Page 47 - index
P. 47

rtcc respoNd

agrobaNco: the

developmeNt oF

a greeN baNk

banco agropecuario – agrobanco is a specialized development bank that promotes the
associaton and fnancial inclusion of small and mid-size producers in Peru, fostering
their capitalizaton through the generaton of proftable and sustainable actvites.

In order to fght the efects of climate change agricultural market. It manages 461 product
as a vulnerable country and promote good sheets that meet producers’ requirements in
agricultural practces that lead to an increased terms of geographical locaton, producton costs,
efciency and proftability of producers, market and prices.
Agrobanco has initated the process to become
a green bank by adaptng, on a gradual basis, The importance of its presence in the feld
mechanisms aimed at this objectve in its leads to the diverse compositon of its customer
commercial and business practces. portolio: 48% are exclusive customers who work
with Agrobanco only. 20,000 small producers
Its trade dynamics and social role, as a modern have been integrated into the banking system
and sustainable development insttuton, are through Agrobanco’s credit. 17% are in border
focused on the highlands and jungle areas where and high Andean areas above 2,500 metres
family agriculture and small-scale producton above sea level.
units prevail. 85% of its customer portolio, that
is 92,000 customers, are in these regions. Customers located in areas of poverty and
extreme poverty represent 89% of the
Growing portolio portolio. In this segment, the Financial
Agrobanco has a portolio of credit products Deepening strategy is disseminated, which
tailored to producers’ real needs, for both has been especially created to serve micro
working capital and investment, and this is the and small producers from remote areas with
result of its knowledge of the feld and of the associaton promotng credits.

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