Page 10 - Respond 2020 Magazine
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        THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY                                                                                           THE GLOBAL
        The Global Environment Facility was
        established to help tackle our planet’s most
        pressing environmental problems. The GEF                                                                                  ENVIRONMENT FACILITY
        has provided over $18.1 billion in grants
        and mobilized an additional $94.2 billion in
        co-financing for more than 4,500 projects                                                                                 AND CLIMATE CHANGE
        in 170 countries.

                e are at a pivotal moment. The              that support how we live, how we eat, how we move, and how
                longer we delay in tackling climate         we produce and consume. With its unique mandate across
        Wchange, the less likely we are to limit            multiple Multilateral Environmental Agreements, including
                                                            as a financial mechanism to the United Nations Framework
        warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels        Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Global
        by 2100—and the higher the risks and costs.         Environment Facility (GEF) is well placed to help catalyze the
        According to the Intergovernmental Panel            required transformation.
        on Climate Change (IPCC), limiting warming          The GEF is working to promote proven mitigation actions that
        to 1.5°C is not impossible, but would require       can reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
        unprecedented transitions in all aspects of         Such actions include, for example, promoting renewable
        society.                                            energy and energy efficiency, integrated urban management,
                                                            and forestry and improved land use. The GEF is also
        We need to both reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas   supporting the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency
        concentrations and to develop ways to adapt to the changes   (CBIT), which helps developing countries monitor and report
        that are now unavoidable. We need to transform the systems   on progress toward their commitments under the Paris
                                                            Decarbonisation of the global energy system is critically
                                                            important for a future global temperature increase that is
                                                            in line with the Paris Agreement. Since 1995, the GEF has
                                                            provided $2.5 billion and leveraged $25 billion from other
                                                            financing sources in support of expansion of renewable
                                                            energy supply and improvements in energy efficiency.
                                                            The GEF has adopted an integrated and systems-based
                                                            approach to catalyse a transformational shift towards
                                                            sustainable urban growth under its Sustainable Cities
                                                            Impact Program. This program helps cities adopt integrated
                                                            approaches to invest in cross-sectoral integrated solutions
                                                            for large-scale decarbonization and enhanced climate                  needed attention to the world’s drylands. FOLUR will focus   the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), which supports
                                                            resilience of cities. The programme is facilitating improved          on promoting transformative changes in the way we produce   urgent, medium- and long-term adaptation needs in least
                                                            land use planning, infrastructure integration, circular               food, with the view of decoupling agricultural development   developed countries, and the Special Climate Change Fund
                                                            economy approaches, and resilient urban design.                       from carbon-intense and environmentally damaging practices.   (SCCF), accessible by all developing countries. At an event on
                                                                                                                                                                                      the sidelines of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit in
                                                            The world also needs a more sustainable food system.                  However successful we will be on pushing the proper
                                                                                                                                                                                      September, donors committed $160 million to the fund.
                                                            Transformational change in food systems and land use                  mitigation actions, we will still need adaptation measures to
                                                            requires the engagement of multiple actors across the full            cope with the impacts of climate change and variability. This   A critical aspect of the GEF’s 2018-2022 adaptation strategy
                                                            spectrum of the food system, linking actors and actions               is particularly true on issues like food and agriculture and   is to ensure complementarity with other finance sources,
                                                            at the national, subnational, and jurisdictional scales to            cities, which are at the heart of the GEF’s new strategy.  so that countries can undertake effective and harmonised
                                                            downstream demand and finance private sector players.                                                                     resilience programming. Another strong element is the
                                                                                                                                  A key issue before us is how to manage the uncertainty of
                                                            The GEF’s Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact                                                                   enhanced engagement with the private sector by expanding
                                                                                                                                  future climate scenarios. While our response will be different
                                                            Program (FOLUR) takes such a holistic approach in its efforts                                                             catalytic grant and non-grant investments: the GEF supports
                                                                                                                                  depending on levels of warming, it is certain that we must act
                                                            to promote sustainable food systems to tackle negative                                                                    pilot investments to test new technologies, develop
                                                                                                                                  now. We simply don’t have the luxury to wait and see.
                                                            externalities in entire value chains; remove deforestation                                                                entrepreneurs through incubators, seed funding, and venture
                                                            from commercial commodity supply chains; and support                  We must come together on planning decisions, and we must   capital approaches. The goal is to mobilise the private sector
                                                            large-scale restoration of degraded landscapes for                    integrate mitigation and adaptation into our development   as an agent for adaptation by supporting the mainstreaming
                                                            sustainable production and ecosystem services.                        strategies and sectoral investments. Only by working   of climate change adaptation and resilience considerations
                                                                                                                                  together will we find solutions needed to address the   into business models and risk management capabilities.
                                                            Forest loss now accounts for about 12% of annual, global
                                                                                                                                  challenge before us.
                                                            greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, two new dedicated                                                                    The GEF is deploying its resources where they can be most
                                                            programs on forests and food system value chains will                 The GEF is helping countries to enhance adaptive capacity,   helpful to all stakeholders—governments, businesses,
                                                            invest approximately $700 million of GEF resources over               strengthen resilience, and reduce vulnerability to climate   communities, researchers—to accelerate climate action.
                                                            the next four years to tackle the key drivers of forest loss          change in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement,
                                                                                                                                                                                      For more information on the GEF’s work related to climate
                                                            and land degradation. The Sustainable Forest Management               by mainstreaming resilience and adaptation to catalyze
                                                                                                                                                                                      change, please visit:
                                                            (SFM) impact program will focus on the ecological integrity           transformation of key economic systems. The GEF supports
                                                            of the Amazon and the Congo Basins, and will extend much              adaptation to climate change in developing countries through and on Twitter: @theGEF
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