Page 31 - Respond 2018 Magazine
P. 31

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          significantly improve efficiency levels to all stakeholders

          The SAJ implementation project has impacted not only on the
          efficiency levels of the State Court. It has improved the whole
          ecosystem of stakeholders involved in judicial processes.

          Claimants’ and lawyers’ need of physical presence in the
          local courts have been practically eliminated, except in cases
          of personal audiences. Considering that the Court has a
          stock of around twenty million judicial processes and that
          every year four million processes are initiated, it can be
          conservatively inferred that the SAJ system has avoided at   2003 the World Bank published a seminal work titled “Legal
          least eight million displacements to local courts.   and Judicial Reform: Strategic Directions” This publication
                                                               indicated that there is a direct effect of the quality of
          The pictures below show a local court of law in São Paulo   the judiciary (represented by characteristics such as
          before the implementation of SAJ in 2010 and 6 years later,   predictability, impartiality, accessibility and the wide-spread
          with the system in full operation, without “physical” judicial   perception of the rule of law) on economic growth and
          cases, on paper. The contrast in working conditions are   poverty reduction.
                                                               The impact of this project in the environment is as
                                                               overwhelming as it was in terms of efficiency. Considering
                                                               the estimated number of four million processes being
                                                               initiated every year and that as of 2016, 100% of those
                                                               judicial cases are entered in the digital format, there can be
                                                               estimated that, by 2026, approximately ten million kilograms
                                                               of paper will not be used. This represents approximately
                                                               two hundred and fifty trees that were not cut, equivalent to
                                                               two thousand and two hundred football fields. The avoided
                                                               production of the papers also meant the non-emission of
                                                               sixteen tons of CO2 and one million cubic meters of water.

                                                               Bottom-up involvement and coincidence of purposes as
                                                               drivers of transformational strategies
                                                               The choice for Softplan proved to be of vital importance in
                                                               this process. With its own mission – “To make a difference
                                                               in the life of organizations and people, providing specialized
                                                               technologic solutions in business processes” – being an
                                                               almost perfect fit with the objective of the State Court.

                                                               São Paulo’s State Court success story is a good example
                                                               of how the tripod Processes, People and Systems, when
                                                               strategically operationalized, is a key driver of organizational
                                                               transformation. It also illustrates the benefits and significant
          Tangible and intangible gains                        increases in efficiency levels of the judiciary system in a
          In an internal study of the impact of the adoption of a   developing country, brought by the association of public and
          group of five key functionalities in 2015, Softplan estimated   private enterprises.
          the elimination of around fourteen million hours of work
          annually, or the equivalent of ten thousand employees, one   The deeply rooted beliefs and the sense of belonging that
          fifth of the Court’s workforce. These highly skilled public   the State Court fostered in the process of implementing
          employees have shifted from labour intensive to intellectual   SAJ were effective in converting stakeholders’ individual
          challenging tasks. In practical terms, this meant better   satisfaction into societal collective gains: reduce global
          quality of work and increased productivity.          warming, higher efficiency and productivity levels of public
                                                               services and increase the gross domestic product.
          An important intangible gain enabled by a more productive
          judiciary lies on its impact in the economy. There is an
          important line of academic research that correlates
          the effects of greater legal security and the economy,
          particularly in the growth of the gross domestic product. In

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