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       Laces Group has made a substantial environmental impact
       by replacing conventional foils with reusable highlighting
       tools like Roller Mèches since 2006, thus diverting around
       12.5 tons of aluminium waste from the environment. This
       initiative is especially significant when considering that the
       city of São Paulo’s 65,000 hair salons dispose 15 tons of
       foils daily.

       In addition to these initiatives, the Group runs a project
       called BIOMA, aiming to transform conventional salons
       into sustainable ones by sharing its expertise in sustainable
       products and business models.

       With over 60,000 customers booking annually, LACES
       Group recognizes itself as a catalyst for local, regional and
       global change. Its unfaltering commitment to sustainable
       energy practices and water conservation not only sets
       a high standard for clean beauty but also significantly
       contributes to reducing the climate impact in the beauty
       industry in Brazil and around the world.

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